If you are looking for an attorney to simply take your information and draft and file your trademark application, Annette & Kelly are not the attorneys for you. But if you want advice pertaining to your situation, together with the benefits of having an experienced trademark lawyer draft your trademark application following consultation and recommendation and being there throughout the process, please give TM Law a call.

You can certainly file for a trademark on your own, but a trademark attorney can significantly enhance the success of your brand protection efforts! 

We can prevent future headaches by searching for potential conflicts with existing trademarks before you invest heavily in your brand. Plus, we ensure your application is completed correctly and optimally, increasing your chances of success.

Even if you’ve already established a brand, an attorney can analyze potential conflicts and advise on the most strategic path forward. We can help you navigate the legal nuance of trademark law and build a strong foundation for your business. It’s an investment worth considering for something as important as your brand identity.

While the USPTO allows self-filing for trademark applications, studies show a significant increase in successful registrations when legal counsel is involved.

A trademark  attorney can reduce potential conflicts with existing trademarks, minimizing the risk of rejection and future legal issues. Additionally, their expertise ensures your application follows all legal requirements, maximizing your chances of first-time approval (which also reduces costs!).

Ideally, you’d bring a trademark attorney on board early in the game, whether you’re starting a new business or launching a fresh product or service. 

They can investigate potential conflicts with existing trademarks before you invest heavily in a name. This saves you time, money, and future legal headaches. Plus, we ensure your application is completed correctly and optimally, increasing your chances of success

Of course, even if you’ve already been using a brand name, an attorney can still be valuable. They can analyze potential conflicts and advise on the most strategic path forward.

The bottom line?  A trademark attorney helps you build a strong legal foundation for your brand from the very beginning.

Hiring a trademark attorney may seem expensive, but hindsight is 20/20. The financial burden of a future trademark dispute – legal fees, rebranding, and lost marketing efforts – can be significant.

Other than identifying potential conflicts before investing heavily into your brand. They’re your enforcement partner. Beyond application assistance, if someone tries to infringe on your brand, they can advise on the best course of action to protect your intellectual property. They can also assist you if you receive a cease and desist letter demanding that you stop using your trademark.

While there are free resources online that allow for preliminary trademark searches, an attorney has the training and expertise needed to understand how to properly search the trademark database and how to interpret the results. They can spot potential conflicts you might miss, saving you from any future (and expensive) issues. An attorney’s skillset goes beyond simply identifying conflicts. They possess the knowledge to interpret the search results and assess the likelihood of confusion between your brand and existing trademarks. While the decision is up to you, an experienced trademark attorney can help you get the strongest possible protection for your business.